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Pet Advice

Find our latest Pet Health Information here for you

Pet Health Information

Important information and advice for you on a number of topics that can affect you and your pet. Click on the titles below to access the downloadable PDF's with everything you need to know.


  • Fireworks and Animals

    Get advice on helping your pets cope with fireworks

  • Arthritis

    Arthritis is a condition where there is inflammation in the joints resulting in joint pain, swelling and stiffness

  • Blood Sampling

    Routine blood results are often received within 24 hours of sampling; we generally phone you to discuss your pet's results the day they come back.

  • Feline Asthma

    Asthma is a disease most commonly seen in middle-aged cats but can affect cats of any age. We still don’t fully understand the full mechanics of asthma in cats, but it seems similar to asthma in humans.

  • Cystitis in Cats

    Cystitis is a condition where there is inflammation in the bladder resulting in pain and discomfort passing urine. Cystitis can be a frustrating condition to manage as your cat can be prone to repeat episodes throughout their life.

  • Diet Trials

    We advise an elimination diet trial if we suspect your pet has a food allergy or food intolerance. Signs of food allergy/intolerance vary between individuals and can mimic other diseases, so it can be difficult to diagnose a food allergy. Pets may also have other allergies or diseases alongside a food allergy

  • End of Life Decision

    Saying goodbye to a pet can be the hardest part of pet ownership. Often their health declines gradually rather than them suddenly becoming seriously unwell. Sadly, it is uncommon for your pet to peacefully pass away in their sleep and you may find yourself in the difficult position of having to decide whether their quality of life is still good.

  • Fleas in the Home

    Treating the live fleas on your pet is only addressing a small part of problem. Fleas lay eggs which progress through their life cycle into larvae, then pupae encased in a cocoon. Adult fleas will eventually hatch from these cocoons in response to a stimulus (such as vibration, moisture, noise) and can attach to your pet within seconds.

  • Heart Disease in Cats

    The most common heart disease seen in cats is Cardiomyopathy, a disease where the heart muscle becomes much thicker or stiffer than it should be. This change in heart shape or flexibility stops the heart being able to fill with blood and pump blood into the circulation as well as it should do.

  • Heart Disease in Large Dogs

    The most common heart disease we see in medium & large breed dogs is Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). It is particularly common in breeds such as the Doberman, Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds and Cocker Spaniels. It is typically seen in middle-aged to older dogs, but can affect younger dogs.

  • Heart Disease in Small Dogs

    Heart valve disease is a common reason for dogs (particularly smaller breeds such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels) to develop a heart murmur. It most commonly develops in middle age, from 4-5 years old.

  • Hyperthyroidism in Cats

    Hyperthyroidism, or an over-active thyroid, is a condition where the thyroid gland(s) in the neck become enlarged and produce too much thyroid hormone.

  • Kidney (Renal) Failure in Cats

    Chronic kidney failure is a common disease usually affecting older cats, the cause of which is usually unknown.

  • In-patient Information

    We have a dedicated team of vets, vet nurses and nursing assistants to provide your pet with an excellent level of care whilst they are here with us.

  • Lymphoma

    Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphocytes, or white blood cells. When the lymphocytes become cancerous within a lymph node the node swells and hardens. It can also affect other organs in the body such as the liver, spleen, bone marrow and gastrointestinal tract.

  • Pancreatitis

    Pancreatitis is a condition where the Pancreas becomes inflamed. The Pancreas is an organ that releases enzymes into the intestine to digest food. It also produces Insulin which is needed to control the body’s blood sugar levels.

  • Preparing for my Pet’s Anaesthetic

    For most pets it is necessary to have an empty stomach on the day of their anaesthetic. This is because there is a risk of vomiting or regurgitation when under an anaesthetic and is more likely if there is food in the stomach.

  • Vaccination Against Disease in Dogs

    Parvovirus is a serious infectious disease that can affect dogs. Fortunately it is preventable with regular vaccination, which will stop your dog contracting this potentially fatal virus.