Yorkshire Vets's home page
24 Hour Emergency 01274 663301
Armley 0113 279 1576
Birkenshaw 01274 651115
Horsforth 0113 259 1196
Meanwood 0113 275 8329
Morley 0113 238 3823
Thornbury Hospital 01274 663301

Orthopaedic Surgery

We offer surgery for fractures, patellar and hip luxations and ligament ruptures

Orthopaedic surgeries that we perform include:

  • Fractures – simple fractures
  • Patellar luxation
  • Hip luxation
  • Arthrodesis – partial and pantarsal arthrodesis. Pancarpal arthrodesis
  • Cruciate ligament rupture – we offer a variety of surgical repairs with an emphasis on TTA (tibial tuberosity advancement) and lateral suture techniques depending on the size and anatomy of the patient
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